Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

13 Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting Fasting for your health? For most of us, that’s a new one. But with proponents dating all the way back to Hippocrates and Plato, fasting is in no way a new concept. In fact, it plays a central role in many major...
13 Scary Foods

13 Scary Foods

13 Scary Foods You Thought Were Healthy It’s Halloween season, so are you ready for a real scare? Here are some scary facts about the “healthy” foods we eat. Soy and soybeans With their bright green hue and light flavor, a steaming bowl of edamame...
Round Up the Roundup: Glyphosate

Round Up the Roundup: Glyphosate

How to Lower Your Intake of the Cancer-Causing Chemical Glyphosate For the past 40 years, Roundup (and other weed killers with glyphosate as their main ingredient) has been promoted to farmers as the solution for weed control. Since hitting the market in 1974,...
Is it Time to Detox?

Is it Time to Detox?

You’ve likely heard about the dangerous toxic loads our bodies carry from absorbing the manmade chemical substances that pervade our modern world. Toxins surround us – they’re in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. Some...
What is Hyperhidrosis?

What is Hyperhidrosis?

For most of us, breaking a sweat is nothing unusual. We perspire when it’s hot, when exercising, or when we’re stressed. Sweating is a normal bodily function that barely registers on our radar. But for those who suffer from hyperhidrosis, sweat is a...
In a Sweat?

In a Sweat?

In a Sweat? Good for You! Hello, August! With most of the US enduring blistering temperatures and sweltering humidity, it’s fair to say summer and sweat are practically synonymous. But is all that sweating good for us? WHY DO WE SWEAT? If you think back to high...